Library Donations
If you would like to donate books or other materials to the Mendon Library, please contact us at (435) 774-2200 or mendonutahlibrary@mendoncity.org! We would be
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If you would like to donate books or other materials to the Mendon Library, please contact us at (435) 774-2200 or mendonutahlibrary@mendoncity.org! We would be
We are pleased to announce that we are now a state certified library. We are the 60th library in Utah to become state certified and
Join the Friends to make a difference in your community! The purpose of our organization is to provide a channel for public support for the
Orders Due June 10th by 5:45pm: Drop off all order forms to the Mendon Library. Payment options are venmo(friendsofthemendonlibrary), and credit/debit card. Please specify on
Mendon Library services are available free to residents of Mendon City and surrounding areas. This includes access to Overdrive, Libby, and RB digital with eBooks